Wednesday 1 October 2008

Final Idea - Contents Page

With the contents page, I wanted to carry on the Idea of the Main cover story so for the background i included another image of the same piano but just at a different angle. Again I have used grid lines to position my work with the banner for the contents page and the grid for positioning my contents menu and Images.

I used an orange background for my page title because I wanted the 'easy on the eyes, informal' look. I though that is was quite successful.

For the text on the left had side of the page, I didn't want a straight layout that might have look a bit normal and boring. Instead I wanted to go for a 'school sketch book' layout with the fonts different sizes and out of alignment to give quite a funky effect. Again, I used the same font as the page title and the Mast Head on the front cover to introduce a running font type theme and some organisation in the magazine.

The reason I placed the images relative to the text on the right hand side, is because when someone opens a book the first thing they are going to see is whats on the right hand side of the page. So instead of text that the reader might find a bit normal and usual, I added some images of the stories and contents of the magazine. This will automatically draw in and interest the reader. Again the frames for the Images are out of alignment and use different sizing on purpose to give that 'college/school house' look.

Final Idea - Front Cover

As you can see, I Tried to stick to my original plan on the flat planning. However I felt that this Photo was best taken with the model on the left hand side of the photo. This is because I could Then Put the Headlines on the right hand side of the page, where they are most likely to be seen on a magazine rack in a shop. I stuck to my plan of having limited "grid lines" so that everything was spaced out and simple so the eye can take it all in. I also used contrasting fonts, i.e white on black etc. so people don't miss the important information.

For the Mast Head I chose a green colour representing that this magazine is for the Lewes campus students only. I don't like the campus' official green color so I made the colour a bit more fashionable and more "minty". For my Brand Logo I used the font 'New Courier' because I like the retro look of it and its sense of informality so anyone can feel they can pick up and read this student magazine. The reason I chose the name 'The In House Mag.' was so it tells everyone on the campus or 'House' what is going on so it is sort of an informative title. 'The In House Mag.' Is also very relaxed and sounds quite urban which I think goes well with the location of the college near the town centre of Lewes and also next to the train station. All the Important information in the Mast Head is in a more vibrant green. These are the College campus and the date. The colour of this is still green but it gives the page a bit more of a lift and some freshness. The issue number is in red because it a completely new piece of information so it needs to be unique. I also think by introducing new colours into the mast head and the page overall, it make it more noticeable. The reason I put the issue number on the right hand side of the page it is will be most noticable on a magazine rack in a shop.

On the Page I have just used simply 'Times New Roman'. I chose this because I think it informative, easy to look at and everyone is familiar with it.

At the very bottom of the page, I go back to the original 'New Courier' because it is the college's website and so it associates with the college information in the Mast Head.

I like the Model in this photo. This is Because he looks very relax and is communicating with his eyes down the lens at the person look at the photo. So the reader will look at the magazine on a more personal level. I also like the tone of his skin against the white wall and the contrast of his shirt in front of the black piano. He is also smiling which indicates that he enjoys what he does so you will want to read about his story.

There is a blueish tint from the reflection of the glass wall on the piano (bottom left of piano) which i think adds to the overall naturalness of the image I'm trying to put across in the magazine front cover.

Thursday 25 September 2008

Flat Planning - Front Cover

Initial planning and designing

Today I took some photos to feature on the front cover for the new college magazine. When I was happy with the photo I wanted to use, I then started designing the front cover mast head and positioning the photo and masthead to where I wanted. But before I stated with the photos and using Adobe Indesign, I did some flat planning on a sheet of paper for my contents page and also the front cover.

Today I also did some research on magazines front covers on the Internet using the Google search engine and also looked at the current SDC magazine.

(Print Screens and Images to follow)

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Introduction to the preliminary task.

This is a blog for the AS Media Preliminary task. The Priliminary task this year is to design a font cover for the SDC magazine with a photograph of a student that goes to the college in a media close up. The software that we are going to be using to create this is Adobe In Design and Adobe Photoshop.