Thursday 25 September 2008

Flat Planning - Front Cover

Initial planning and designing

Today I took some photos to feature on the front cover for the new college magazine. When I was happy with the photo I wanted to use, I then started designing the front cover mast head and positioning the photo and masthead to where I wanted. But before I stated with the photos and using Adobe Indesign, I did some flat planning on a sheet of paper for my contents page and also the front cover.

Today I also did some research on magazines front covers on the Internet using the Google search engine and also looked at the current SDC magazine.

(Print Screens and Images to follow)

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Introduction to the preliminary task.

This is a blog for the AS Media Preliminary task. The Priliminary task this year is to design a font cover for the SDC magazine with a photograph of a student that goes to the college in a media close up. The software that we are going to be using to create this is Adobe In Design and Adobe Photoshop.